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Common dental problems

1. Cavities

Tooth decay is a disease in the hardware of the teeth to decay. The most effective way to prevent tooth decay is reduce sweet food habits. Regular brushing is not only eliminates the risk of tooth decay, but also prevents the thicker the plaque on the teeth.


2. With rangNhung network bacterial form of limestone formed very quickly on the surface of teeth.Plaque bacteria is just one of the factors that cause tooth decay. The area around the tooth as they tooth or teeth - brush is inaccessible places cavalier tartar can exist if you do not brush your teeth regularly.

The relatively good Flour effective in preventing tooth decay. So, those who live in areas with levels of optimal domestic Flour less tooth decay. Advantage that, 80-90% of the toothpaste market today contain Flour.

3. Gingivitis, gum loiViem or periodontitis is one of the most common diseases in the world.Patients sometimes can not pay attention to the interests of bleeding, especially when brushing.Breath largely derived from the disease. In this disease, the oral hygiene and cleaning teeth is the most effective way to prevent.